Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Wiki

Forums: Index >Sorting: Adults> Barceloyn Stark

Please Fill In Your Answers

1. Give a short description and a picture of your character. Beautiful, Confident, Speaks 4 languages, Elegant, Red Haired, Athletic, Very Cheerful yet calm. Really wanted to join the Triwizard Championship.

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Barceloyn Stark, Half-Blood.

2. Give a brief history of your character. Wrote one romance book, won three swimming championships, spoke 4 languages fluently.

3. What's the blood status of your character. Half-Blood.

4. Does your character have a strong suit in a certain topic? Yes.

5. Describe your character's martial status. Single.

6. What profession will your character look into? (Ministère de la Magie or Beauxbaton Académie)

Teacher in the future, Powerful Witch.

7. Please leave your signature under here.

Barceloyn Stark (talk) 09:25, September 9, 2015 (UTC)bsBarceloyn Stark (talk) 09:25, September 9, 2015 (UTC)
